Weight Training to improve your mood

We just launched the new season of Pure Strength this week and this season really motivates me to add more weight training to my routine. I always feel better after a good workout and I have realized that doesn’t mean just a cardio workout. A great weight training workout also reduces anxiety possibly by 20% according to a study published in October in Scientific Reports. The benefits for mental health were actually greater than those seen in studies of aerobic exercise and anxiety.

Weight training and to be more exact Pure Strength class is one of the best classes to try when just starting out since modifications can easily be made by lowering weight levels. The best part is as you see improvements in your overall strength you can make Pure Strength more intense just by adding more weight or increasing the height of jumps when doing plyometric sections.

If you are looking to increase your bodies overall strength, lower anxiety levels, and just feel better try out a Pure Strength Class today. It can easily become a healthy addiction.